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DURATION: 3 Months

The certificate in digital journalism course provides students with an introduction to and skills in digital journalism and provides hands-on preparation for entry-level work in web journalism and/or an overlay of digital skills for prospective journalists, seasoned journalists and freelancers.

The BlueCrest way of teaching and learning is anchored on Leadership, Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship (LITE approach). The LITE approach drives the teaching, training and learning philosophy of both faculty and students at the college.

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  • Develop, create, report, research and produce technically well-executed news and feature stories for the web and/or broadcast news using combinations of text, images, audio, video and social media.

  • Use new website, audio and video soft-ware systems to produce multimedia stories.

  • Write news and feature stories on print and web deadlines using foundational journalism skills such as developing story ideas, conducting research, interviewing sources, and applying proper grammar and Associated Press Style.

  • Exercise news judgment and apply knowledge of online journalism ethical, legal and content issues to real-life situations.

  • Analyze and evaluate multimedia stories for content, aesthetics and technical quality.

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Coursera Integration

BCC integrates Coursera courses into its core curricula as credit-eligible, blended, and supplemental learning. With world-class content and trend data from Coursera’s large learner base, the platform will offer pre-configured course collections for learners by domain areas.

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